allotment magic summer 2024
the satisfying time of year when the allotment turns into a jungle
visual garden diary
the satisfying time of year when the allotment turns into a jungle
a gallery of sunflowers, just for the record
Colour fadeout and weather-bedraggled, it’s the end of October on the allotment.
the long summer that went on and on
perennial, biennial and super-keen leaves and herbs are all flowering
allotment notes at the end of May, very green and leafy
This year’s big hits were definitely the companion plants which swallowed up most of the plot
Teasels. Forget the veg, these are the best!
Low level on the allotment at the end of July… flowery and a rich colour palette.
Leafy and raggedy, and only confined by rusty metal, my allotment is looking good.